Monday, October 11, 2010

Here is my son and his dog. This is an asymmetrical photo. I deliberately took this photo so they would be off center. I like the way it looks.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What do you see when you look at this picture? Do you see bats or angles? Depending on which which you see first depicts how you view the image. This is a demonstration of figure-ground. 
These fall trees are a great example of warm colors. The different shades of orange and reds give you that warm feeling.
This image displays Condensed Code. It takes the Uncle Sam poster and combines it with Barack Obama to form a new composite sign.
I found this photo of a rocket launching while searching the web. It makes a nice example of apparent movement. When looking at this picture, you see the smoke and fire and see that it is obviously taking off and going straight up.
Chiaroscuro is a type of lighting that has strong shadows, and strong lighting from one side. This is my son helping me demonstrate Chiaroscuro lighting.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

In this photo, is one of the many rows of apple trees in an orchard we visited. This is another example of vanishing point perspective.
Here is a sign that was posted to warn visitors of the Apple orchard to watch out for passing tractors. This represents an Iconic sign because the image resembles what it means.
This is my six year old niece, and my six year old son. This photo shows Axial balance. They are equally arranged on each side of the photo.
This is a pumpkin patch that we went to this weekend. I thought that these pumpkins represented Gestalt's theory of similarity. All of the pumpkins are different but share visual similarities.